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As a community based project, FlamIncome is always free and open, anything can be proposed in FlamIncome and Flamincome welcomes contributio


Using USDT as an example:

  1. Use Deposit Token to FlamIncome command to deposit a portion of USDT into vault and receive fUSDT (You must keep a part of your USDT tokens for providing liquidity in the following step)
  2. Use Deposit fToken to Mint nToken command to convert the fUSDT that you get from the previous step to nUSDT
  3. Provide liquidity in Uniswap using the newly minted nUSDT and the remaining USDT you hold. The corresponding Uniswap liquidity pool address is listed in Provide Liquidity in Uniswap section
  4. After successfully providing liquidity in Uniswap, you can use Stake LP Tokens to stake the LP tokens received from Uniswap into the staking pools
  5. After staking the LP tokens for a period of time, users can find out the amount of FLAG token rewards they can get via using the Get Staking Earning operation
  6. Users can also check the number of LP Tokens they staked by using Get Staking Amount command
  7. Lastly, users can use Claim Staking Rewards for withdrawing FLAG rewards they obtained through staking LP tokens
