Getting Started

Welcome anon, we're glad you made it. Let's start off with a bit of an introduction on the Wiki and why we're here.

Mission | Vision

The DefiLlama Wiki is here to provide an accurate, reliable and unbiased source for information related to crypto native culture and technology.

We want to develop this, over time, to be recognized as the canonical source for current and reliable information across the wider crypto ecosystem.  

To accomplish these goals we will need the help of many dedicated anons, just like you.  Now that you're here, let's look at some of the basics in using this Wiki.

Ground Rules

First things first, anon, some ground rules and expectations on how we want to develop the Wiki and what it is and (more importantly) isn’t.

This Wiki aims to become the encyclopedia of crypto. It is written and maintained by a community of volunteers through a model of open collaboration, using a wiki-based editing system and it aims to be community-driven, neutral and unbiased.  The basic guidelines are:

  • Don't shill
  • Every article should start with a single sentence explaining what the article is about in as few words as possible.
  • Try to go beyond what something is (eg: Maker is a protocol that lets you mint a stablecoin by using ETH as collateral) and into how it's used (eg: Maker is used to leverage ETH, avoid taxes for selling…)
  • Brevity is king
  • Be neutral
  • Use sources (click the ‘Cite’ button)
  • For protocol pages, always add an image for token supply schedule

The wiki isn’t intended to be a one stop shop for information related to broad technical terminology meaning entries like ‘computer programming’ or ‘cable modems’ or ‘ethernet’ are not in scope.  We are looking for information that pertains specifically to crypto native culture and technology.