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=== Types of NFT2.0 ===
=== Types of NFT2.0 ===

# Numbered list item
# Wrapped NFT (wNFT) is one realization of programmable NFT. This approach is used by such projects as [https://envelop.is/ Envelop], [https://www.charged.fi/ Charge Particles], and [https://solv.finance/ Solv.finance];
Wrapped NFT (wNFT) is one realization of programmable NFT. This approach is used by such projects as [https://envelop.is/ Envelop], [https://www.charged.fi/ Charge Particles], and [https://solv.finance/ Solv.finance];

# Numbered list item
# Dynamic NFT is a programmable NFT, where the metadata changes depending on the conditions of the smart contract.
Dynamic NFT is a programmable NFT, where the metadata changes depending on the conditions of the smart contract.

# Numbered list item
# Financial NFT is a programmable NFT, which contain collateral.
Financial NFT is a programmable NFT, which contain collateral.

Financial NFTs should not be confused as part of the programmable asset ecosystem, because the same term is used when conditionally dividing NFTs by sector of application. For example, you can use your common NFT avatar as collateral to secure a loan. Then they say that such a project belongs to the financial NFT sector, at the same time NFT itself belongs to the first generation. often it includes NFT projects: NFTx, Fractionalization protocols, loans, leases, indexes.
Financial NFTs should not be confused as part of the programmable asset ecosystem, because the same term is used when conditionally dividing NFTs by sector of application. For example, you can use your common NFT avatar as collateral to secure a loan. Then they say that such a project belongs to the financial NFT sector, at the same time NFT itself belongs to the first generation. often it includes NFT projects: NFTx, Fractionalization protocols, loans, leases, indexes.