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nUSD, or "nexus" USD, is a cross-chain stablecoin fully backed by the nexus stablecoin liquidity pool on Ethereum consisting of DAI, USDC, and USDT.

Synapse Bridge

What is nUSD?

  • nUSD, or "nexus" USD, is a cross-chain bridge asset fully backed by the nexus stablecoin liquidity pool on Ethereum that consists of DAI, USDC, and USDT. nUSD is used to enable cross-chain swapping of assets.

What is nETH?

  • nETH, or "nexus" ETH, is a cross-chain asset pegged to ETH and fully backed by the nexus ETH on Ethereum that consists solely of ETH. nETH is used to enable fast bridging of ETH to and from L2 networks such as Arbitrum.

Bridge fees

  • The Synapse bridge by default charges .05% per bridge transaction, with a minimum fee that is chain-specific and dependent on the average gas fees on that chain.
