01 Exchange: Grants Program

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The goal of the program is to reward and encourage contribution to the 01 and Solana ecosystem. 01 Grants are also an easy way for less experienced devs or community members to dip their toes into the DeFi world, while earning a nice bounty.[1]


Launch Date: 5/4/2022

Total Funding Allocated: $100K

Total Funds Distributed to Date (if available): none but it will be tracked on their site mentioned below

What Asset(s) are the funds paid out with (native token versus $USD, for example):

Where funding is tracked: 01 Exchange Notion Site

Area(s) of Focus

These are shown through a simple table on their notion site


Proof of work. Show completion of the grants shown on their notion site and mention in discord. Very simple process, currently task based.

How to Apply

  1. Pick out a grant you would be interested in working on
  2. Join the 01 Discord
  3. Reach out to one of the team members, so that we know that you are working on one of the grants, and so that we can assist you in any way we can! You can reach out through the #grants channels and category on Discord
  4. Submit your application and get started!
  5. Once completed, let them know over discord, and they will process the grant

Announcements, forum posts, news articles or other media that may be relevant

Twitter Announcement
