Vires Finance

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(diff) ← Older revision | Latest revision (diff) | Newer revision → (diff) is is a decentralized non-custodial liquidity protocol based on Waves Blockchain, where users, wallets and dapps can participate as depositors or borrowers. Depositors provide liquidity to the market to earn a passive income, while borrowers are able to borrow in an overcollateralised manner.

What Can I Earn

  • The interest payment on loans. Depositors share the interests paid by borrowers corresponding to the borrow rate. Higher the utilisation of a reserve mean the higher yield for depositors.
  • Staking income. Tokens that support risk-free staking/leasing within Waves ecosystem can be staked/leased automatically by underlying smart contracts.
  • [Upcoming] Governance token will be continuously distributed for liquidity provision.

What are v-Tokens

  • vToken(vUSDN, vWAVES, vBTC, etc) is an LP token for the specific market on
  • vToken represents your share in total deposit of one asset. Once you've deposited funds into the protocol, you can export your deposit as vToken equivalent if you want to move, trade or exchange your lender position.
  • vTokens are interest-bearing tokens,

What can I do with vTokens

  • vTokens can be used to replenish your deposit,
  • vTokens can be redeemed for the underlying asset.

Why Lock Vires

VIRES locking reflects your commitment to the protocol governance. Therefore, it grants you the ability to make decisions and directly earn your share of the protocol’s income. This share exists in the form of gVires.

What is gVires

gVires(g is for ‘governance’) is a unit of measure of your commitment to the protocol’s future. The more Vires you lock, the more you are committed; therefore, the more voting power and the larger share of the protocol’s revenue stream you receive.

Where do the profits come from ? markets take a cut of the interest that borrowers pay. The corresponding cut for each market is labeled as 'Protocol share' on the asset details page. This value can vary for different markets, configurable through governance.

What is minimum lock time and amount?

There's no minimum lock amount. Unlocking starts right after the transaction is confirmed.

  • 50% of tokens are unlocked in 6 months,
  • 75% of tokens are unlocked after 12 months since lock start,
  • 87.5% of tokens are unlocked after 18 months since lock start,
  • 100% of tokens are unlocked after 24 months since lock start;
