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* https://docs.nested.fi/
* https://docs.nested.fi/
* https://defillama.com/protocol/nested
* https://defillama.com/protocol/nested

Latest revision as of 10:36, 12 August 2022

The one-stop SocialFi app to build, manage, replicate and monetize portfolios

How Nested works

  • Once the portfolio is created, the user owns a NestedNFT representing the user’s holdings – up to twelve tokens in one single NFT – all backed by the underlying assets and their real market value.
  • The portfolio is modifiable at will by the owner and can be replicated by other users who might be inspired by the performance of the strategy at play.
  • Each copy of a portfolio earns its creator royalties, which incentivizes savvy traders to build successful portfolios that pay-off and profit to others too.
  • Furthermore, each alteration made by the original creator of the portfolio will be notified to all those who have copied it, giving replicators the choice to follow the move, or not.
  • The act of replicating a portfolio and the economy that revolves around it lies at the heart of Nested’s intended strategy to democratize DeFi. It is what truly gives the platform its social dimension.
  • This is not simple DeFi anymore, it is SocialFi at its best.

What can you do on Nested

  • Enjoy the best and most self-intuitive user experience DeFi has to offer.
  • Build and manage your portfolio:
  • Create | Pick the assets of your choice and build a portfolio. All of them are gathered in a unique element called an NFT.
  • Visualize | Enjoy a 360° view of all your positions.
  • Edit | Update trades, add more tokens, or cash out.
  • Exit the market | You can liquidate your portfolio and exit the market in one click.
  • Copy other’s portfolios | You can enter the market in a single click by replicating other users' strategies. You can also compound your own portfolio and earn royalties from every replication.
  • Earn royalties | Make money every time someone copies your portfolio. Stake your underlying assets (soon): Your portfolio can earn you yield if the assets in your portfolio are set properly.
  • Borrow money (soon) | Use the crypto held in your Nested portfolio to borrow money on decentralized borrowing protocols.

NST Token

  • NST is the Nested platform’s native token.
  • The NST is primarily a utility token designed to facilitate and incentivize the decentralized governance of the protocol. It is also meant to boost the user experience by unlocking unique features.
  • We get inspired by the best tokenomics including the one of $PTP (Platypus), $CRV (Curve), and $SNX (Synthetix).
  • All decisions concerning the usage of the ecosystem and rewards reserve will be done with the DAO.

NST Use cases


  • Stakers of NST can change Nested platform parameters as well as vote and submit proposals to improve Nested Protocol. Governance will be live at Rubik launch.

Staking rewards

There would be two types of rewards:

  • - $NST tokens from the ecosystem's reserve.
  • - A part of the protocol fees. We are still waiting for a final compliance approval.

Boosting portfolios return

  • Nested portfolios containing $NST will benefit from $NST rewards. The longer the user is locking them, the higher will be the rewards.

VIP tiers

  • $NST token stakers stand to get a discount on Nested platform fees.

Premium contents

  • $NST token stakers can access some premium portfolios of assets from the best traders.


  • Users will be able to tip other users in $NST tokens.
