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ClayStack is a decentralized liquid staking platform that enables you to unlock the liquidity of staked assets across multiple chains. You can stake your assets and use the issued staking derivatives across the DeFi ecosystem.



  • csTokens are standard ERC20 tokens that represent the claim to both the underlying staked tokens and the staking rewards. csTokens continuously appreciate in value with respect to the underlying token, abstracting away the complexity of staking, claiming and re-staking.
  • Users can opt to trade their csTokens instead of unstaking. As a result, they avoid unstaking fees and the need to wait for the "unbonding" period before getting access to their tokens.


  • The process of staking involves the transfer of the underlying token to ClayStack's smart contract, which in turn will mint csTokens at the current exchange rate and will stake the underlying tokens on trusted validators. The user's tokens are held securely at the chain's stake manager contract and at no point do the validators have accesses to such funds.


  • ClayStack's contract offers a direct unstaking mechanism, which leverages the PoS chain's unstaking system. In most cases, users will need to wait for a period of time before their tokens are made available. Depending on the protocol, this "unbonding" period can range from a few days to several months.

Flash Exit

  • ClayStack's contract offers a unique feature, Flash Exit which acts as a liquidity pool, where users can unstake and immediately receive the underlying tokens. In addition to providing immediate liquidity, the collected fees are retained thus increasing the exchange rate and improving the yield. The feature removes the need for any waiting period, with applicable fees and limits on the amounts.

What is the difference between Flash Exit and Standard Unstaking

  • Flash Exit lets you instantly withdraw your tokens while in standard unstaking, you have to wait the "unbonding" period that can range from a few days to several months depending on the protocol. For Polygon's MATIC, the unbonding period ranges from 3-5 days.

What makes ClayStack unique

  • ClayStack offers a seamless staking experience to its users by going over all the minute details such as up-time, decentralization, node reliability, smart contract security and more. With ClayStack, all the complexity of staking is abstracted away in a secure and effective manner. You can get access to the staking rewards without the hassle of the technicalities.
