Avalanche Rush

Avalanche Rush is an incentives program that was announced with ~$180M in liquidity mining incentives focused on introducing more applications and assets to its growing Avalanche ecosystem.


Launch Date: Aug 18, 2021

Total Funding Allocated: not disclosed but you can find a running total created by Sov here

Total Funds Distributed to Date (if available): not publicly disclosed

What Asset(s) are the funds paid out with (native token versus $USD, for example): AVAX

Where funding is tracked: on their blog and in the tracker Sov created here

Area(s) of Focus

Primarily DeFi as this program is meant to drive increased TVL across the Avalanche Ecosystem


Not publicly disclosed but up to discretion of Ava Labs and Avalanche on how funds are dispersed and project success measured.

How to Apply

Applications are still open ... you can apply here

Announcements, forum posts, news articles or other media that may be relevant



