Avalanche Creator Fund

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The Avalanche Creator Fund is a partnership between Avalanche Foundation and web3 social media platform Op3n. This fund is a $100 million initiative for creatives to build projects on Avalanche as the blockchain network grows its profile with non-crypto natives.

Named the Culture Catalyst initiative, the first of these funded projects — paid out in the network's native token AVAX — will go towards musician Grimes. The singer, who previously sold $6 million worth of NFTs, plans to create an "intergalactic childrens' metaverse book" which she hopes can follow in the footsteps of the acclaimed Studio Ghibli film My Neighbor Totoro.[1]


Launch Date: March 25, 2022

Total Funding Allocated: $100M mentioned but not sure if that amount was based on value of AVAX at time of initial announcement

Total Funds Distributed to Date (if available): not disclosed publicly

What Asset(s) are the funds paid out with (native token versus $USD, for example): AVAX

Where funding is tracked: not disclosed publicly

Area(s) of Focus

Primarily mainstream adoption of NFT's. The initiative is committed to financing NFT projects in Culture: Musicians, Filmmakers, Digital Artists, And Creators across the world to build on Avalanche and launch on OP3N.[2]


Allocations are at the discretion of Avalanche Foundation, Ava Labs and Op3n

How to Apply

You can find how to apply on Op3n site here

Announcements, forum posts, news articles or other media that may be relevant

