Argo Finance

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Argo is the premier liquid staking protocol built on top of the Cronos blockchain that aims to unlock the value of all staked CRO and maximize the capital efficiency of CRO across the ecosystem.

Argo Features

1. CRO Liquid Staking

  • Argo is the premiere liquid staking protocol built on top of the Cronos blockchain. You can easily stake your CRO on Argo in a single click and receive bonded CRO tokens (“bCRO”) in return.
  • bCRO can be subsequently used across decentralized finance (DeFi) applications across Cronos and accrue additional DeFi yields on top of CRO staking yields, essentially double-dipping and improving your capital efficiency.
  • You can withdraw your CRO anytime by unstaking and waiting for the unlock period. Alternatively, you can directly swap bCRO back to CRO on the secondary market.

2. Argo DeFi Vaults

  • Argo DeFi Vaults is Cronos' first one-click yield optimizer for single-sided staking CRO and allows users to earn up to 25% more APR than simply staking their CRO due to our auto-compounding and auto-yield harvesting algorithm.
  • Argo's liquid staking module made it possible for users to enjoy earning CRO staking yields on Cronos and opens up the possibility of earning DeFi yields on top of that. Argo's DeFi Vaults run strategies that aim to maximize the CRO staking yields earned by users who staked their CRO on Argo.

Protocol Fees

  • Argo currently charges fees for the following actions and services. Do note that some fees are only charged if you decide to utilize the service provided. These fees may be subject to change based on future governance votes.
  • 50% of Protocol Fees will go into Argo's Treasury, while 50% will go towards xARGO stakers

What is bCRO

  • bCRO is a liquid, tokenized representation of the staker’s staked CRO. bCRO enables stakers to gain liquidity over their staked CRO and enables the locked value of the staked CRO to be utilized across decentralized finance applications across Cronos.
