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  • 13:28, 26 April 2022 diff hist +554 N MimblewimbleCreated page with "A proposed upgrade to the Bitcoin protocol, consisting of a number of separate changes which aim to improve privacy and scalability without compromising on the latter. One main change it introduces is Confidential Transactions, which allows for both amounts and other metadata from transactions to be hidden. It was first suggested by Tom Elvis Jedusor (the alias of Harry Potter's nemesis Voldemort) in 2016. == Sources: ==" current Tag: Visual edit
  • 13:28, 26 April 2022 diff hist +274 N Market CapitalisationCreated page with "The total value of the circulating supply of a cryptocurrency, calculated by multiplying its current price with its total supply. == Sources: == Category:Glossary" Tag: Visual edit
  • 13:27, 26 April 2022 diff hist +358 N Limit OrderCreated page with "An instruction an investor gives when placing a buy or sell order on the market; it sets the maximum price they are willing to pay (for buy orders) or the minimum amount for which they will agree to sell (orders). == Sources: == Category:Glossary" current Tag: Visual edit
  • 13:26, 26 April 2022 diff hist +466 N Lightning NetworkCreated page with "A proposed solution that aims to speed up transactions on the Bitcoin blockchain by moving them off the main chain. The network is a decentralised system of pre-funded channels where people can make transfers without having to wait for global consensus and confirmation from miners, thus allowing faster settlement times. == Sources: == Category:Glossary" Tag: Visual edit
  • 13:25, 26 April 2022 diff hist +345 N KYCCreated page with "Know Your Customer, which refers to the process of obtaining and verifying personal identification information from customers for business purposes before allowing them access to services or products. == Sources: == Category:Glossary" current Tag: Visual edit
  • 13:22, 26 April 2022 diff hist +279 N InflationCreated page with "An economic condition where the general level of prices for goods and services is rising and the purchasing power of a currency falls. == Sources: == Category:Glossary" current Tag: Visual edit
  • 13:21, 26 April 2022 diff hist +251 N IEOCreated page with "Initial Exchange Offering: This is when a coin is sold for the first time via a digital currency exchange. == Sources: == Category:Glossary" current Tag: Visual edit
  • 13:21, 26 April 2022 diff hist +265 N IDOCreated page with "Initial decentralised offering, which is similar to an ICO but lets users interact with the project before it goes live. == Sources: == Category:Glossary" current Tag: Visual edit
  • 13:20, 26 April 2022 diff hist +285 N ICOCreated page with "Initial Coin Offering: The very first offering for public purchase and sale of tokens or digital assets for a newly born blockchain project. == Sources: == Category:Glossary" current Tag: Visual edit
  • 13:18, 26 April 2022 diff hist +363 N Hot WalletCreated page with "Any cryptocurrency wallet that is connected to the internet and therefore at a higher risk of being hacked; they're not recommended for long-term storage, but rather as a way of sending/receiving funds where necessary. == Sources: == Category:Glossary" Tag: Visual edit
  • 13:17, 26 April 2022 diff hist +366 N HODLCreated page with "An intentional typo for the word "hold" originally posted by an anonymous user on the Bitcointalk forum, which the crypto community later turned into slang for holding a cryptocurrency long term despite market volatility. == Sources: == Category:Glossary" current Tag: Visual edit
  • 13:16, 26 April 2022 diff hist +443 N HedgingCreated page with "The use of two different strategies in order to reduce the risk involved with one strategy. For example, you could hedge by taking a long position and shorting it simultaneously; this would result in your exposure being less than if you just went long or short on that particular asset/trade alone. == Sources: == Category:Glossary" current Tag: Visual edit
  • 13:16, 26 April 2022 diff hist +945 N Hash FunctionCreated page with "A specific algorithm that maps data of any size to a fixed size output, also referred as a cryptographic function since they are often used for encryption and other security purposes where it cannot be reversed through computation alone; hashing takes an inputted string/file/document and outputs the same thing every single time so long as its original content has not been altered even if just by one letter or space character. This process is irreversible, making working..." Tag: Visual edit
  • 13:15, 26 April 2022 diff hist +491 N Hardware WalletCreated page with "Also known as cold storage/wallet, it's essentially a USB stick that can be used for offline transactions and keeping your private keys safe. It's considered more secure than most other forms of wallets since they're harder to access if you lose them. There are different types including paper and digital ones but each has its own pros and cons. == Sources: == Cat..." Tag: Visual edit
  • 13:14, 26 April 2022 diff hist +346 N HalvingCreated page with "The process by which Bitcoin mining rewards are reduced by 50% every four years; this is done to create scarcity and control the total supply (since no more than 21 million Bitcoins can ever be mined). == Sources: == Category:Glossary" current Tag: Visual edit
  • 13:13, 26 April 2022 diff hist +260 N Genesis BlockCreated page with "The first block in the Blockchain, usually hardcoded into the coin's system which is used to bootstrap its network. == Sources: == Category:Glossary" current Tag: Visual edit
  • 13:12, 26 April 2022 diff hist +22 Gas feescurrent Tag: Visual edit
  • 13:12, 26 April 2022 diff hist +301 N FuturesCreated page with "A contract to buy or sell an asset at a later date with the price agreed upon today. Investors use these as both a hedge against risk and a tool for profit. == Sources: == Category:Glossary" Tag: Visual edit
  • 13:11, 26 April 2022 diff hist +231 N FUDCreated page with "Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt; the acronym that was coined for cryptosphere discussions. == Sources: == Category:Glossary" current Tag: Visual edit
  • 13:00, 26 April 2022 diff hist +301 N ForkCreated page with "A software update that is not backwards compatible with previous versions of the same cryptocurrency protocol, creating an entirely new branch from block 0. == Sources: == Category:Glossary" current Tag: Visual edit
  • 13:00, 26 April 2022 diff hist +339 N FOMOCreated page with "Fear Of Missing Out; the acronym that was coined to describe a phenomenon when investors buy or sell an asset based on others' actions, causing them to miss out on more profitable opportunities. == Sources: == Category:Glossary" current Tag: Visual edit
  • 12:59, 26 April 2022 diff hist +283 N Fiat GatewaysCreated page with "A cryptocurrency exchange that allows users to deposit fiat currencies such as the dollar or euro into their account for trading purposes. == Sources: == Category:Glossary" current Tag: Visual edit
  • 12:58, 26 April 2022 diff hist +381 N Fiat CurrencyCreated page with "A legal tender declared by the government; this can be backed up by its economy and has an institution that regulates it (central bank). For example, the Great British Pound (GBP) and United States Dollar (USD) are both fiat currencies. == Sources: == Category:Glossary" current Tag: Visual edit
  • 12:57, 26 April 2022 diff hist +402 N ExchangeCreated page with "Platforms that allow users to buy, sell, or trade cryptocurrencies for other digital currency or traditional currencies like US dollars or euros. Cryptocurrency exchanges are a vital part of the crypto ecosystem, providing users with access to crypto funds. == Sources: == Category:Glossary" current Tag: Visual edit
  • 12:56, 26 April 2022 diff hist +379 N EtherscanCreated page with "A web tool that lets you explore transactions, wallets, and other aspects of Ethereum's blockchain. It also provides various charts to visualize said data as well as a list for those who want to track specific activity on the network. == Sources: == Category:Glossary" Tag: Visual edit
  • 12:55, 26 April 2022 diff hist +269 N DYORCreated page with "Do Your Own Research; this means that all crypto investors should do their own research on a project before investing in it. == Sources: == Category:Glossary" current Tag: Visual edit
  • 12:54, 26 April 2022 diff hist +325 N DumpingCreated page with "The process of offloading large quantities of coins onto exchanges all at once which drives down prices because there is more supply than demand for that particular cryptocurrency. == Sources: == Category:Glossary" Tag: Visual edit
  • 12:53, 26 April 2022 diff hist +394 N Double-SpendCreated page with "When someone tries to send a transaction, but ends up sending it twice since they did not wait for the first one to be confirmed on-chain; this is often done by those with malicious intent and can lead to losing all of your funds if you fall victim. == Sources: == Category:Glossary" current Tag: Visual edit
  • 12:53, 26 April 2022 diff hist +914 N Distributed LedgerCreated page with "A type of database that is spread out across several nodes in different locations and countries so that it can remain decentralised as well as transparent to those involved with keeping records on it; every single node will hold a complete copy which is updated regularly through consensus algorithms when new transactions take place. This also allows for faster processing speeds since multiple copies are already available rather than one central authority who has to distr..." current Tag: Visual edit
  • 12:52, 26 April 2022 diff hist +446 N Decentralised Finance (DeFi)Created page with "Pushes the development of alternative decentralised blockchain-based financial applications to enable peer-to-peer transactions without third parties. DeFi apps include lending platforms, exchanges, prediction markets and many more solutions built on top of various protocols like Ethereum or Bitcoin. == Sources: == Category:Glossary" Tag: Visual edit
  • 12:51, 26 April 2022 diff hist +242 N Decentralised Autonomous Organisation (DAO)Created page with "A company or business that is run by smart contracts and governed by its token-holding community. == Sources: == Category:Glossary" Tag: Visual edit
  • 12:49, 26 April 2022 diff hist +460 N Decentralised Applications (DApps)Created page with "DApps are essentially software programs built and hosted on blockchain technology, providing users with various functions through peer-to-peer action rather than depending on traditional intermediaries such as governments or banks. Decentralised apps are frequently used to execute decentralised finance operations. == Sources: == Category:Glossary" Tag: Visual edit
  • 12:48, 26 April 2022 diff hist +444 N DecentralisedCreated page with "When something does not have any central control but rather operates independently through peer-to-peer networks and consensus algorithms instead, transactions cannot be reversed once confirmed on blockchains that do not have any central authority or place of residence since they are decentralised. == Sources: == Category:Glossary" Tag: Visual edit
  • 12:47, 26 April 2022 diff hist +431 N Crypto-Native AssetsCreated page with "Digital tokens on a blockchain platform that derive their value from the decentralised consensus formed among all/majority of users, rather than coming from an external source like fiat money or company stock. Examples include Ether, Binance Coin (BNB), and Basic Attention Token (BAT). == Sources: == Category:Glossary" current Tag: Visual edit
  • 12:47, 26 April 2022 diff hist +307 N CryptographyCreated page with "The use of cryptographic protocols or mathematical techniques to encrypt messages sent between parties which are then decrypted using a key for security purposes. == Sources: == Category:Glossary" current Tag: Visual edit
  • 12:46, 26 April 2022 diff hist +403 N CryptoeconomicsCreated page with "The combination of cryptography, information theory, computer science, and game theory creates secure economic systems that incentivise proof-of-work consensus models through mechanisms such as decentralised control, immutability, and trustless transactions. == Sources: == Category:Glossary" current Tag: Visual edit
  • 12:45, 26 April 2022 diff hist +343 N Crypto DerivativesCreated page with "A financial instrument that derives its value from an underlying asset. They are usually contracts traded between two parties based on the price of a certain item, rate or index at some future date. == Sources: == Category:Glossary" current Tag: Visual edit
  • 12:44, 26 April 2022 diff hist +318 N CryptocurrencyCreated page with "A form of digital asset that uses cryptography as its main security measure to control the creation of additional units and verify transactions on its decentralised network. == Sources: == Category:Glossary" current Tag: Visual edit
  • 12:44, 26 April 2022 diff hist +361 N CrowdsaleCreated page with "The process of selling crypto coins or tokens through crowdfunding, usually done before a new blockchain-based project launches its token/coin on the market so investors can take part in early bonuses and incentives. == Sources: == Category:Glossary" current Tag: Visual edit
  • 12:43, 26 April 2022 diff hist +670 N Transactions ConfirmationCreated page with "This is how many transactions have been processed/validated and added to its ledger so far since it began existing, either through mining or other means, including private ones off-chain. Confirmed transactions cannot be reversed without cooperation from others involved with keeping records on the network's shared ledger (see consensus). Cryptocurrencies need at least six confirmations before they can be considered finalised but more often than not, only take one dependi..." Tag: Visual edit
  • 12:41, 26 April 2022 diff hist +643 N ChaffingCreated page with "The practice of purposely sending false signals between nodes on a network using fake IP addresses so that they only see information that has already been seen by another node or set of nodes before, thus making consensus impossible for any new data being added onto the chain; this works against 51% attacks where attackers try to introduce invalid blocks into the chain since other miners will not recognise these blocks because they cannot make sense out of what they are..." current Tag: Visual edit
  • 12:40, 26 April 2022 diff hist +382 N Coinless ProtocolCreated page with "A decentralised network where all incentive mechanisms are built into the protocol itself and not as an additional layer on top of it (like Ethereum). The purpose is to create fully autonomous systems with no need for central management. == Sources: == Category:Glossary" current Tag: Visual edit
  • 12:40, 26 April 2022 diff hist +314 N CentralisedCreated page with "A system of power where a central authority has control over the execution of operations. Often associated with a dictatorial style of rule and a single point of attack. == Sources: == Category:Glossary" current Tag: Visual edit
  • 12:39, 26 April 2022 diff hist +384 N CasperCreated page with "Ethereum's proof-of-stake protocol upgrade, designed to replace the proof-of-work as mentioned earlier and improve the scalability of the network while also enhancing security by making it less costly for an attacker to attack the network. == Sources: == Category:Glossary" Tag: Visual edit
  • 12:38, 26 April 2022 diff hist +223 N Bull marketCreated page with "A market in which prices are rising, and investors expect even better returns. == Sources: == Category:Glossary" current Tag: Visual edit
  • 12:37, 26 April 2022 diff hist +325 N BullishCreated page with "When investors are bullish, they expect a price to go up in the future and would be comfortable buying coins/tokens at these levels because they believe it will increase even more. == Sources: == Category:Glossary" Tag: Visual edit
  • 12:36, 26 April 2022 diff hist +305 N Bollinger bandsCreated page with "A technical indicator used by traders to measure market volatility consisting of three lines plotted at standard deviation levels above and below a centre line. == Sources: == Category:Glossary" Tag: Visual edit
  • 12:35, 26 April 2022 diff hist +415 N Block size limitCreated page with "The maximum amount of data that can be included in a block, measured in bytes. Bitcoin's is hard-coded at one megabyte while Ethereum's was recently increased to around 20% of that number (to roughly 12.66MB), with plans for it to increase further over the coming years. == Sources: == Category:Glossary" current Tag: Visual edit
  • 12:35, 26 April 2022 diff hist +657 N Block rewardCreated page with "A type of monetary incentive provided by cryptocurrencies whenever an individual mines a block successfully. Coins/Tokens are not created out of thin air. Still, rather they must have gone through mining first before being awarded as such since it requires computational resources and electricity costs to mine them effectively. This is how miners make their profits, doing the work necessary in ensuring proper security measures are put in place so that these tokens cannot..." Tag: Visual edit
  • 12:34, 26 April 2022 diff hist +393 N Block heightCreated page with "When discussing blockchain networks such as BitcoinBTC), this term refers to how many blocks make up their total height/length starting from block #0, also called its genesis block, which was mined during the first round of updates to this network. == Sources: == Category:Glossary" Tag: Visual edit

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