Difference between revisions of "Optimistic rollups"

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(Created page with "Optimistic rollups sit in parallel to the main Ethereum chain on layer 2. They can offer improvements in scalability because they don't do any computation by default. Instead, after a transaction, they propose the new state to Mainnet or "notarise" the transaction. With Optimistic rollups, transactions are written to the main Ethereum chain as <code>calldata</code>, optimising them further by reducing the gas cost. As computation is the slow,...")
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|An operator can influence transaction ordering.
|An operator can influence transaction ordering.
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7pWxCklcNsU&t=263s Watch Finematics explain optimistic rollups]
=== A visual explanation of optimistic rollups ===
Watch Finematics explain optimistic rollups: