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StakeWise is a liquid Ethereum 2.0 staking service that allows anyone to benefit from the yields available on the Beacon Chain.



StakeWise Pool is a non-custodial staking solution where your staked ETH is pooled with other participants. Every deposit in the Pool gets tokenized into sETH2, StakeWise’s ERC-20 standard staked ETH token, and holders own the rights to the pool’s staking rewards. StakeWise Tokens play a key role in the Pool by making your stake liquid and opening opportunities to generate additional yield in DeFi protocols


StakeWise Solo is no longer open to new deposits, with new users encouraged to stake via the above Pool solution. Previously, StakeWise Solo offered users the ability to deposit in batches of 32 ETH and run their own validator using StakeWise’s infrastructure. Despite Solo being closed to new deposits, existing users of this product will still benefit from all infrastructure upgrades and retain complete access to their validator balances through withdrawal key ownership. The core team is on hand to address any questions and concerns regarding the Solo product

What ensures the stable performance of StakeWise infrastructure?

StakeWise uses cloud infrastructure that scales automatically according to demand:

  • When the Beacon Chain applications start to use more RAM or CPU, they are migrated to more powerful servers with zero downtime for the validators.
  • Whenever more validators and Beacon Chain applications must be launched and current servers do not have enough capacity, the new servers are started.Our unique cloud operator is capable of
  • Creating and maintaining validators with no human involvement:
  • For each new validator, it finds the server with the most available resources or creates a new one if all the resources are used up.
  • When a new version of the validator application is released, the operator upgrades all the validators with close to zero downtime while ensuring full slashing protection.
  • For Solo staking, it applies withdrawal credentials provided by the user to create deposit data and submits it to the contract.



